
Story of Jeong Hyeon Mo

My brother who was young and sweet, please stay alive!
Story of Jeong Hyeon Mo

Mrs. Jeong’s portrait

In 1970, radio-communication ship 1-2 was unexpectedly attacked by the North Korean Navy, which had a guided missile medium patrol killer. All of the 20 crew members were abducted by North Korea and it is not even known whether they are still alive or not.

Hyeonmo Jeong has spent every single day of the last 48 years feeling deeply sad about her missing brother.

Mrs. Jeong’s familyAfter her younger brother, who was tall and handsome and made everyone in the family feel proud, was abducted by North Korea, her parents were in a state of deep sorrow until they passed away. Ms. Jeong had to see all of this with her own eyes and her younger years were also filled with despair.

She says she still feels devastated whenever she thinks about her younger brother who was abducted at such a young age. She wants nothing more than her younger brother's safe return.

Her parents passed away without laying their eyes on their son again despite their desperate wishes. Now it is her last wish to visit her parents' graves with her brother.

She is still anxiously waiting to hear about her brother and sincerely hopes that nobody else experiences this suffering in their lives.

Mrs. Jeong’s family